Also popular by the name 1&1 Ionos, it is a popular web hosting company based in Germany. It was popular by the name 1 and 1 Internet. It is owned by United Internet, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany, and global internet services company set up at Montabaur.
Here in this article, we are going to give you the essential information you need regarding this webmail service. We will provide you with the step-by-step guide regarding the signup process, login, resetting the webmail password, and all the necessary information regarding 1 and1 Webmail account.
1 and 1 webmail platforms known for being a leading service provider that has millions of customers all over the world that are making use of the services. Besides the web hosting services it also offers outclass services including webmail services, registration for a domain, SSL certificates, packages of webmail builders, dedicated services, virtual private services, and cloud hosting.
If you want to be a part of this amazing experience then here are the steps you might need to follow to sign up and log in.
Creating an Email
The first step in working with the 1 and 1 login is to create an email address using the webmail service. The users can opt for any of the two options available including Basic Mail or Business Mail that would cost $1 per/month. The rest of the steps are as follows:
➤ use your browser to open the link https://www.ionos.com/
➤ Click on the Email & Office tab on the Home page.
➤ After the drop-down menu appears check and click on Professional Email Address. You will see a new tab. Check on the option of See Package. You can choose from the two Basic Packages and one Business Package according to personal needs and preferences. Click on Continue.
➤ You can get one domain with each package. Check if your web domain is available. By entering the name you can check the availability of the name. In case of availability, you can add it to the cart.
➤ You can edit your the name added before @ sign.
➤ Enter and re-enter the password for your account.
➤ You are now ready to forward your email to an email address. You can use any Gmail or primary email address for forwarding the email address.
➤ Click to open an additional Security Settings option. The two options include Anti-spam and Premium Virus Protection.
➤ Hit to save your information for the 1and1 webmail login process so you can access your email address.
How to login?
The login is not a tedious process. It is an easy and simple process to login to your account.
➤ Open the 1and1 webmail login page using your web browsers.
➤ Choose the sign-in option on the homepage. Click on it to open your login page.
➤ Reach out for the bottom to check for different 1and1 IONOS Logins. Click on the Webmail button to open the 1and1 webmail login page.
➤ Enter the necessary credentials including Username/Email Address and the password. You can opt for the choice Remember Me checkbox.
➤ You can click on the Login button for logging in.
Resetting the Password For 1and1 Webmail Account:
If you have forgotten the password or you are not able to login successfully then here are the essential steps:
➤ Open the official website of 1and1 webmail service using the web browser..
➤ Use the sign-in button on the login page.
➤ Type to add your Email Address or Domain Or Customer ID in the editing text field.
➤ As you will choose the option Forgot Password option, you will see a new page.
➤ Type your Email Address or Domain, or Customer ID.
➤ Hit to Request New Password option. As a result, you will get a link to your email address. Use the link to reset your 1and1 webmail password.
➤ Use the web browser to open the link.
➤ Type and then retype the webmail password again in the field of Confirm Password.
➤ Once you are done with typing and retyping your webmail password, choose to Reset Password.
Securing the Password
To use the services it is important to keep the password secure. To start with make sure to have a long-phrase, more characters, and a minimum of 12 to 14 characters as your password. You can create passwords below these standards but it would be a weak choice. You can improve the passwords by adding capital letters and small letters to your webmail password.
Wrapping Up:
In this article, we have tried to provide the necessary information that you might need for 1and1 Login. The article covers the essential steps required for successful login.